Usually, whenever you make a trip to the gym, it’s for the sole reason of getting your workout completed for the day. Nobody really stops to look around them in the middle of their workout, to people-watch and observe what others may be doing. However, while waiting for a ride home from the gym the other day, I slowly came to the realization and conclusion that similar to many things in this world, there are many classifications of various types of people who attend the gym. Below, are just a few clusters I happened to observe that now whenever I go to the gym, I can’t help but to notice.
Muscle Man: Usually younger to mid-age male. Skimpiest cut-off tank to show the guns. Bulging arms, but clearly skips leg day, so unevenly proportioned body. Wearing wireless Beats blasting music you can hear through your earbuds. Feels the need to grunt uncontrollably loud while doing exercises, as if nobody else could hear him. Always sneaking a glance of himself in the mirror, flexing muscles and admiring himself.
The Dad: Pretty much just as you hear it. Comes straight from work: wearing sweatpants, white New Balance sneakers, and a plaid workshirt. Sweating profusely, consistently using the machine in a wrong way. Sings along to old rock and roll music aloud, no shame.
The Talker: Usually mid age women. Convinces herself that walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes every day at a pace of 40 min a mile is an excruciating cardio workout, that will help her drop 10 lbs by the end of the month. Always seems to be on the phone with someone, talking not only their ear off, but yours as well. Leaves you to get caught up on how Becca cheated on Robbie, but Robbie is still in love with the waitress at the bar he used to work with.
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