Tuesday, December 13, 2016


In midst of the holiday chaos, one of my favorite things involving Christmas is hearing the traditions that each family holds individually for the holiday. Hearing everyone's personal stories, (as to if their little brother wakes them up at 5:30 screaming at the top of their lungs for the whole house to wake up, or the traditional "you can't open your presents until we go to church", or if they're the type of family where everyone sleeps in past 12:00 for a lazy Christmas morning), is somehow something I can always rely on to calm me down, despite the craziness of the holiday season of stressing over presents and family drama. Sometimes, people seem to get too caught up in the presents and the craziness of the holiday to sit down and relax and remember the real reason of Christmas. Hearing everyone’s Christmas traditions is so exclusive, making it extremely interesting to listen to. Every family is so unique in their own ways, and have traditions that get passed down from every previous year and from when they themselves were the children. It’s pretty cool how traditions work. The traditions I do now as a 17 year old, will someday get passed down to my future children, where they will pass it down as well. Whenever I hear of traditions, I actually think of our school which may sound quite random. The standards we set now will forever be passed down from one class to the next class and so on. Right now, it may not seem like a big deal for us at all, most kids would rather complain and whine about our school then take the high road and see how unique of an opportunity this is for us, the first graduating class. I mean, when we are graduated from college and have started our lives ten years from now, revisiting the halls of Newark Charter to see what traditions are still living inside of this building will be incredible if you really think about it. Who else do you know gets to say the traditions they set their 4 years of high school sets the standards for students attending in the future generations?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Notorious P.I.G.

While at the gym this morning, it was like any other day. I put my clothes in my locker and proceeded to walk to the fitness room to get my day started. On the wall, I noticed a “Winter Incentive Program” being hosted at my gym. Basically, you write your name on a winter themed piece of paper, and every time you attend the gym you place a sticker on your sheet. The goal is to workout at least 13 days out of December and have 13 holiday stickers on your name plate to encourage families to keep healthy during the holiday season. I immediately thought of how great of an idea this is for families. Offering incentive programs is a great way to keep people motivated, especially when times can be rough when you're around sweets and enticing foods during the upcoming holiday seasons. Incentives like these should be performed year-round to keep people motivated to keep in shape. As everyone knows, the obesity rates in the US right now are at an all-time high. Perhaps the main reasoning behind this is because unhealthy and non-nutritious foods are so insanely cheap right now. Heck, I saw on Main Street yesterday that Burger King is selling 3 pancakes for 89 cents! 89 cents! You get 3 pancakes for not even 1 dollar! You can get 15 pancakes at Burger King for not even $5. Better yet, 20 chicken nuggets for $4.99?! Is that serious??? Why are the causes of obesity rates even being argued in the world we live in today when fast food restaurants are having these cholesterol breakthroughs?? No wonder we are the obesity nation!! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Monster Molly

Attention, ALL Florida Residents!

Hurricane Molly is coming in HOT. Cities located on the coasts need to be prepared for wreckage in these open vulnerable locations. Densely populated cities should be prepared for extreme havoc. Windows may get blown out. Expect grocery stores to be flooded with people preparing for the bulk of this storm. Bread, milk, eggs, water will be scarce leading up to hurricane Molly. Electrical power and gas services will be interrupted and public transportation will be terribly delayed causing difficulties to get back from your house. In the worst case, evacuation may be the most probable solution. In order to prepare for Hurricane Molly, we must expect the worst so we can successfully conquer Molly statewide.

Below, we have provided multiple ways for you and your family to prepare for Molly, ensuring everyone stays safe and nothing is harmed:

  1. Food: Buy sufficient food for a few days, including water. Consider canned food (beans, soup, fish) and a can opener as well as fresh food, in case of downed electricity lines.
  2. Pets: Make a plan for your pets: sufficient water, exercise, sanitation.
  3. Health, Meds & Drug Store Essentials : Make sure you have sufficient prescription meds if you are on an important daily regimen, and get an adequate supply of other essentials such as diapers or baby formula. Call your physician before the storm hits if something's urgent
  4. Flashlights and candles: Buy or find several flashlights with batteries; candles and matches. But make sure you have someplace safe for the candles.
  5. Evacuation Plan: If you think you might need to evacuate, make an evacuation plan and leave contact information with key family or friends.
  6. Stay Informed: Keep track of the storm on TV, radio or online. Just in case you get cut off, get a battery-powered radio.
  7. Make a "Go Bag" in case you have to leave suddenly.
  8. Charge Up: Charge your battery powered essentials, such as mobile phones.
  9. Protect Your Car: Park your car indoors if possible. If you are located in a flood zone, move it out of that area. (Alternate side of the street parking will be suspended during the storm; stay tuned to the news.)
  10. Don't Let Things Fly: Indoors, move personal possessions to the center of your home, away from windows and doors. Outdoors, tie down or bring garden furniture, bikes, flower planters, bird feeders, portable BBQs and so on inside.
  11. Garbage: Secure garbage pails if they are outside, or bring them inside.
  12. Know Where Your Important Papers Are Don't leave papers such as insurance policies, bank and credit card statements lying around. Put them in a plastic container so they're dry and safe.
  13. Be Ready to Mop Up Leaks, Deal with Flooding: Do you have a sump pump? Make sure it works. Have old towels ready in case of window leaks. If you already have a leak problem, clean out the drains, and put everything valuable on plastic boxes or up above where the basement flooding might occur. One insurance company suggests that you remove belongings out of basements and crawlspaces as much as possible in case water penetrates your home's foundation or pools on the floor around windows and doors.
  14. Prepare Vulnerable Windows:If you're concerned about windows blowing in, get cardboard, strong tape and plastic to secure them. IF you have them, install storm shutters and secure your garage door.
  15. Get Ready to be Bored: Clear some space where you can read, do situps, write Christmas cards, play cards.
  16. Plan for the Kids: If you have children who may get cabin-fever, get prepared: Pull out some materials with which to paint or draw. Plan to play charades, tell stories, make music. And prepare for them to be a bit scared by the storm.
  17. Have Rain Gear in Case: Find some rain boots or old shoes in case the streets are sloshy for a few days. In a pinch, large black garbage bags can make a decent raincoat (Cut a hole for your head and arms.)
  18. Have some cash at the ready.
  19. For the truly prepared:
  20. Get Ice: Consider buying extra ice in case your electricity goes out so your refrigerated food doesn’t go bad. Alternatively, insurers suggest that you turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting and keep them closed so they stay cold if the power goes out.
  21. Check on Your Neighbors: Call any neighbors or friends who might be frail or elderly to see if they need assistance.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Closing Time

In the midst of the senior class’ chaos to turn in applications, apply to new schools, and polish up their resumes for the stressful college season, I thought a ‘leaving for college’ post would be an appropriate topic for this week’s blog. Whether you're trying to stay in the dome of Delaware, or venture out to a new state for a new experience away from the comfort of Mom and Dad, I live by the quote, “every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end’. Every year since third grade, the same students have been dressing in the same uniform, walking through the same doors, greeting the same teachers as the previous year. Our freshman year of college will be a first for everything. First time we get to roll out of bed and wear our pajamas to class. First time we won’t know anybody in any of our classes (depending on where one attends). First time not having Mommy or Daddy pack you a lunch. First time trying  the dining hall instead of our 5 star cuisine school lunches. First time there will be people older than us sitting in the same classroom as us, learning the same material. Frankly, I can’t wait for this change. Scary at first, definitely so, but I think everyone needs this change. Us Newark Charter kids have been living in the virtual reality of Newark Charter for too long now, it’s time to venture out, meet new kids from all over the nation with similar passions and aspirations in life. Newark Charter isn’t all that’s out there in life, and I can’t wait to encounter everything that will mark my 'first' off the checklist.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Bye, Bye, IG!

With all this talk about multitasking, ideas have been swarming about the negative influence social media can impact a person with, in terms of wasting time. Don’t get me wrong, I think social media is a great innovative way of contacting with your friends and relatives that live across the US that you cannot normally communicate with. However, in this day and age, I felt as if a lot of my daily routine was spent checking and wasting valuable time of my day on these networks, where I could be utilizing this time in a more efficient and effective way. I mean, there are only so many hours in the day and I feel as if we must capitalize on every single moment possible to get work done. In today’s society, the fake reality created on instagram can cause one to solely focus on the image of how others view them. Knowing this and after reading the article in class of the man who went phoneless for a week, I decided to take the step of deleting my social media. So far, it has not only been extremely relieving and stress-free, but it has left me with lots of time to talk to my family one on one, instead of always looking down at my phone refreshing my feed on Instagram. However, there have been some negative aspects. A lot of my friends rely on social media to communicate with one another about what our plans are, or even what the homework for the night is. Without being able to communicate with them, I feel out of the loop in some circumstances. Overall, however, it has been extremely freeing and I am pleased I made the decision to do so.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Who Knows?

Ever since we were little, we always had our “I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.” Or the classic, “I wanna be a vet when I grow up.” Our goals and aspirations in life outstretched out preschool selves, and at an early age we were chasing ambition. As everyone got older, these ambition dreams of ours got scaled down to a more practical and logical scale, as everyone realized not everyone would make it that far in life. With college soon approaching, the typical “what do you wanna major in?” gets tossed around more than asking how your summer went. As a current senior in highschool, I never exactly know what the correct answer is for me. I often wonder how I am supposed to know exactly what I want to spend the rest of my life dedicated to, when my interests are as broad as law and economics to anatomy to photography and graphic designing to psychology. How am does one expect a high school 17 or 18 year old young adult to completely decide what they will be attributing their hard work and studying to for the next four years?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pick Your Poison

Just to start things off: I have never been a political person. I will never be a political person. Politics are disunited. There are two clear sides. You're either red or blue. Blue or red. I understand what's going on in the world and crucial current events that occur in the political world, however I do not follow politics like others do. I am solely writing on politics due to the fact I got asked my opinion on the US presidential election out of the blog grab box. My opinion may not be correct and you do not have to agree with it, however here it is.There will always be someone with the opposing argument not agreeing with me or anything I’m saying so here goes.  This election is unlike any other. How did either one of these individuals end up being at this point, the only possible two options in charge of the United States? Why do us Americans have to either choose Clinton or Trump to hold the future of our country in their hands? No clue. However I do know, this election has very little to do with politics. All I know is there is only one option to beat Trump- the arrogant, outspoken, bombastic, ego-filled,egomatic business man.There's only one person who can keep him away from power. Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying by any means Hillary Clinton is perfect or that I agree with her viewpoints and ideals for this country.I am aware of her shortcomings and failures in the past. But, she knows what she's doing and she's a responsible American citizen. So, you ask me, what is my opinion on the 2016 Presidential Election? Frankly, it’s hard to even have an opinion or a side to associate with this time around.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Gym Trips

Usually, whenever you make a trip to the gym, it’s for the sole reason of getting your workout completed for the day. Nobody really stops to look around them in the middle of their workout, to people-watch and observe what others may be doing. However, while waiting for a ride home from the gym the other day, I slowly came to the realization and conclusion that similar to many things in this world, there are many classifications of various types of people who attend the gym. Below, are just a few clusters I happened to observe that now whenever I go to the gym, I can’t help but to notice.

Muscle Man: Usually younger to mid-age male. Skimpiest cut-off tank to show the guns. Bulging arms, but clearly skips leg day, so unevenly proportioned body. Wearing wireless Beats blasting music you can hear through your earbuds. Feels the need to grunt uncontrollably loud while doing exercises, as if nobody else could hear him. Always sneaking a glance of himself in the mirror, flexing muscles and admiring himself.

The Dad: Pretty much just as you hear it. Comes straight from work: wearing sweatpants, white New Balance sneakers, and a plaid workshirt. Sweating profusely, consistently using the machine in a wrong way. Sings along to old rock and roll music aloud, no shame.

The Talker: Usually mid age women. Convinces herself that walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes every day at a pace of 40 min a mile is an excruciating cardio workout, that will help her drop 10 lbs by the end of the month. Always seems to be on the phone with someone, talking not only their ear off, but yours as well. Leaves you to get caught up on how Becca cheated on Robbie, but Robbie is still in love with the waitress at the bar he used to work with.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

2016- Harambe, Trump, or Cat?

As Halloween season is quickly approaching, I thought a seasonal blog would be appropriate for this week's post. Every Halloween, toddlers/kids/teenagers/parents put on their best costumes and head out for the night to scavenge for goodies to satisfy their sweet tooth, later indulging in their chocolates and various candies. Every year, depending on the current events in the news, there's always costumes that relate to the social news at the time. For example, when the swine flu epidemic was outraging, it wouldn't be a surprise to see multiple pigs ring your door bell Halloween night. And then, of course, there's always the traditional classic costumes that seem to get overdressed every year. Below are my top ten predictions of most popular Halloween costumes of 2016: 
1) Donald Trump 
2) Hillary Clinton
3) Harambe
4) Cat
5) Clown 
6) Devil 
7) Angel 
8) Cheerleader 
9) Zombie 
10) Witch 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Today I will be reflecting on a personal conflict I often have within myself. Recently, I came across the quote that read, "close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That's who you really are. Let go any part of you that doesn't believe it". I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about this on the daily occurrence since I first encountered it. It really got me thinking about my life and my actions- I've always been the kind of person who will put others before myself, no matter the situation, even if that puts my feels and emotions up at stake. I've never been real selfish in my life, always assisting to the needs of others. Once I read this quote, it got me wondering....shouldn't I be selfish for once in my life and start putting myself first before others? Don't I deserve to be just as happy as I try to help others to be? I mean in the end, you're the only person that really matters, right? This is a pretty difficult concept for me to obtain due to the fact my whole life my feelings have come second, with everyone else's before. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Magic Gardens!

Most people will sit around and call Delaware the most boring state to live in...however, there are many adventurous locations with short travel times you can discover and have a great time at! One of these locations I found to be extremely unique is the Philadelphia Magic Gardens, about 45 minutes from Wilmington. You don't have to be a fan of art to enjoy these beautiful and breath taking mosaics. The Philadelphia Gardens is a nonprofit organization located on South Street in Philly. It is the largest work of art created by mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar. His mosaics are made up of anything you can possibly imagine-from bike wheels to kitchen tiles to China plates to Latin American art. A few weekends ago, I visited the gardens with my two friends on a trip to shoot some pictures for my photography class. My class urges and encourages us to go outside of our normal realm and shoot objects from different perspectives. Below are a few pictures I took while taking the day off to enjoy the beautiful Philly art:

Friday, September 23, 2016

Healthy Cheat Day Substitutes!

No matter who you are and how much you workout, it's always important to give yourself some a break sometimes and have a cheat day. Cheat days don't have to occur often, but they are crucial to your health and often give your body a break from constant work. However, these cheat days don't always have to be brutal filled with an overload of excessive calories that delay the point and purpose of your workouts: there are endless healthy alternatives that replace unhealthy ingredients, that don't leave you feeling like crap....
1.) 3/4 cup of olive oil for every cup of butter called in a recipe 
2.) two tablespoons of molasses for every cup of white sugar called for 
3.) whole wheat flour for white flour
4.) unsweetened applesauce for sugar/oil/butter 
5.) marshmallow fluff for icing 
6.) vanilla for sugar 
7.) meringue for frosting 
8.) Graham crackers for cookies 
9.) pita for bread 
10.) corn tortilla for flour
Although these may seem like very minute changes while cooking, they will go a long way for your body (post cheat day) and get you right back into your normal workout routines without leaving you feeling cruddy!!! 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Over the past couple years, one of the most important pieces of advice I have received is “making a living is not the same thing as making a life”. This quote often pops up very often in the back of my mind, especially as a senior in highschool leaving for college in less than a year.  Twenty years from now, I don’t want to be sitting at home constrained with having a job that I can’t leave, regretting the days I wasted not traveling the world, photographing unique people and places and their traditions. For me, photography is an extremely unique point of view on life that I love working with. Will I waste away potential years of ‘living’ sitting in a classroom studying for a class that I have absolutely no interest in, while I could be traveling the world meeting new people photographing their daily lives and learning the culture and traditions of new, exciting places?

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Which One Are You?

The Budweiser Made In America Festival is a massive musical celebration, located on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway taken place over Labor Day Weekend, kissing summer goodbye for good.This large musical festival hosted by Beyonce and Jay Z contains dozens of top performers and multiple stages. Rihanna and Coldplay headlined for the festival, while there were plenty of other enjoyable artists there representing all types of different genres. Music festivals are a great way to get outdoors and enjoy some groovy music while with your friends in the nice weather. When enjoying yourself throughout the weekend, there always seems to be the distinct ‘concert groups’ you could call them that classify every personality in the book. Listed below are just a few I encountered over the weekend. If you're reading a section and can’t think of anyone you know who would fit into that category...chances are it's you.

The Partier: Everyone knows this friend. The crazy one. The one who is always down to meet new people and dance with them like they’ve known them forever. The outgoing one-singing along to every song shuffling to the beat like it's so natural to them.

The Tech: Don’t be this guy. Social media is a cruel thing nowadays. Many people are so wrapped up around the fact they are at a concert, boasting about it over social media to their friends sitting at home, they forget the fact they are there to enjoy the music and be around friends, not brag about how you saw Rihanna three rows back. They are always too busy and preoccupied recording every single song on their phone, rather than enjoying the music in the moment and reflecting back later with the mere reliance of memory.

The Awk: Oh, the awk. The awkard. The “I don't know how to dance” or “I don't even know this song why would I dance”, as they awkwardly sway their awkward body to the music tapping their awkward foot to the beat. Let loose! Have fun! Let your body relax and stop worrying about what other people will think about your dancing! Nobody is ever ‘too cool’ to dance to a upbeat song, afraid of the judgment of those around them.

 The Social Med: There were tons of these types of girls all weekend long. This person is usually best friends and paired up with "The Tech" to be her personal photographer. Like mentioned before, people will go to reckless limits to get a good picture for their IG feed to get the maximum likes possible. This person is usually an obnoxious girl, asking her friends to take 'candids' of her every move she makes, and don't worry... you will see them on all her social media accounts later.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It’s all back again. The 6 AM wakeup calls. The rushed morning breakfasts as you’re running out the front door. The back to school summer buzz about what Krysta got in trouble for Fourth of July Weekend, why Anna and Rob broke for the first time since freshman year, why Brendan’s parents are no longer sending him to school here. Syllabus week- teachers ranting for an hour about the course outline for the year and unexpectedly jumping right into the first lesson of the year on the first day of school.  The sight of new Sperrys flooding the hallway through a sea of light blue, dark blue, and white uniform tops. It’s all back again.